LEARN Alliances & Success Stories
Founder Alliance for Africa (SAfA)
Ongoing project
The Foundation Alliance for Africa (in its German origin “Stifter-Allianz für Afrika”), is an alliance involving the donors Hanns R. Neumann Foundation (HRNS), Rossmann Foundation, Max and Ingeborg Herz Foundation (until 31. Dec 2024 only), and Kühne Foundation. Since its foundation in 2021, the alliance has been implementing two projects in Ethiopia and Tanzania, respectively, with the objective to improve the living conditions particularly for youth in rural areas. Each of the three donors contribute its specific knowledge and expertise from different areas of development work to be integrated into one project approach. Bundling the knowhow agriculture, health and family planning, and logistics, SAfA not only achieves significant synergies, but also attracts third-party matching funds e.g., from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperations and Development (BMZ). The SAfA Alliance is a very good example for the Donor-Alliance Funding Model, in which numerous donors contribute to funding and likewise to the implementation in cooperation with local partners. The strong strategic and operational engagement of the parties ensure a strong impact in the countries and a very favorable cost-benefit ratio.
SAfA Ethiopia
The four-year and multi-million Euro SAfA Ethiopia project started in May 2021 and is locally implemented by three organizations registered in Ethiopia with NGO status. All three organizations have a deep understanding of the local situation and key expertise in their respective focus areas due to their many years of project work in Ethiopia. Over the years, the local teams have built strong relationships and partnerships with stakeholders, ministries, and other government institutions at both the national and regional levels. SAfA Ethiopia aims to make an effective contribution to improving the situation of African societies, especially in rural but also in urban areas, by creating attractive life prospects for the rapidly growing young population. This helps to reduce poverty, address important causes that drive young people to migrate, and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The project combines activities on three thematic components: Agriculture with a focus on employment in the agricultural sector, Logistics and Education, and Health and Family Planning. In addition to intensive work with young people and young adults in rural areas, cross-regional capacity is built through close cooperation with local and regional extension and service providers, government institutions and stakeholders in general.
Operationally, the project aims to reach out to about 70,000 youth through a cascading approach and by applying the concept of Champion education to act as facilitator in the rural areas. Across the country, two large project regions in Amhara and East Oromia, respectively, have been identified for project implementation in close collaboration with SAfA’s local partners and beneficiaries. The implementers main offices remain all in Addis Ababa.
SAfA Tanzania
The four-year and multi-million Euro SAfA Tanzania project started in May 2023 and is locally implemented by three organizations registered in Tanzania with NGO status: DSW Tanzania (DSW TZ), HRNS Tanzania (HRNS TZ), and KF Tanzania (KF TZ). All three organizations have a deep understanding of the local situation and key issues in their respective focus areas due to their many years of project work in Tanzania. Over the years, DSW TZ and HRNS TZ have built strong relationships and partnerships with stakeholders, ministries, and other government institutions at both the national and regional levels. KF TZ has many years of experience working with several major universities in the country and therefore has also built strong links and relationships with relevant ministries and other key stakeholders. SAfA Tanzania aims to make an effective contribution to improving the situation of African societies, especially in rural but also in urban areas, by creating attractive life prospects for the rapidly growing young population. This helps to reduce poverty, address important causes that drive young people to migrate, and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The project combines activities on three thematic components: Agriculture with a focus on employment in the agricultural sector, Logistics and Education, and Health and Family Planning. In addition to intensive work with young people and young adults in rural areas, cross-regional capacity is built through close cooperation with local and regional extension and service providers, government institutions and stakeholders in general.
Operationally, the project aims to reach out to about 50,000 youth through a cascading approach and by applying the concept of Champion education to act as facilitator in the rural areas. Across the country, three office locations will help to implement the project in close collaboration with SAfA’s local partners and beneficiaries. Specifically, the offices are located in the cities of Dar Es Salaam, Mbeya, and Arusha